They don't understand what all the fuss is about with President Obama.
"He won the election, didn't he? Somebody always wins, right? So what's the big deal?"
We explained a bunch of times what the big deal is. But they don't believe us, I think. How lucky they are, to be able to scoff at the idea of a whole society discriminating against part of itself based on the color of the skin. In our little neighborhood, there is nothing to support these old tales of segregation.
"I knew he was gonna win, anyway," the boy said the other day.
"Oh?" I asked.
"Sure," he answered. "He's from Chicago."
It is a fine thing to see the return of innocence to the childs. May they live in an better world.....
I think your kids are right! By people making such a big deal about Obama being elected, it just goes to show that people still look at things racially. Personally, I like to keep that child-like innocence as long as I can!
I found myself wondering this morning how cool it must be for him to wake up and face his first full day as President and how excited his family must be too. In the paper this morning, it mentioned how Bush's girls gave Obama's some advice and the best I thought was this: to remember who your dad really is.
The innocence is what makes children so amazing.
Thanks for your post.
My daughter had the same reaction. When we explained why it was a big deal, she was shocked that human beings would treat each other that way.
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