Then arrived the monster, a horrible entity known as a PPO which had been fiendishly designed to separate poor Cally from her sanity.
Finally, Cally admitted defeat: the monster could not be tamed nor slain. So she planned her escape and all was going well for her future freedom.
Then, on her last day, arrived the mystery package. It wasn't really a mystery as far as the contents were concerned: she knew by feel the package had applications. The mystery was, how badly would the applications be screwed up?
So with the tender of the monster near at hand, brave Cally opened the package and determined the three applications inside were indeed very badly done, incomplete and unsigned.
"See, this is what I'm talking about," Cally said to the tender. "Look at these things! If I hadn't already given notice, this would have put me right over the edge."
"Oh, I know," the tender said sympathetically.
"No, really," she replied. "I mean it would have put me right over, fire axes, stuff burning, body count, not a good time!"
And so Cally expressed her relief to be free of the monster's horrific influence, and now plans to live happily ever after and never again work in health care for any amount of money.
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