As I'm trying to regain some control over my virtual life, I've found some useful tools for doing so I wanted to share.
Flock is a "social web browser" - that is, you can log into your Faceook or MySpace account and have your friends available in the sidebar. But that's only the beginning: web-mail, bookmarking sites, bloghosts like LiveJournal and Blogger, and media sites like Photobucket and YouTube also "plug in" to Flock.
Twitter^ is great for those bits not long enough for a blog post. If you also use Facebook, you can add the Twitter application and have Twitter update your Facebook status.
Digsby^ is a multi-platform chat client for Yahoo!, AOL, MSN, ICQ, Facebook, MySpace, GoogleTalk, Jabber ... You can also create a chat widget for blogs or websites right from the application (you don't have to go to the Digsby site).
Last but not least is Netvibes^ to bring it all together. I have Netvibes set as my Flock homepage, and the Twitter widget on the start page. There are plenty of premade modules one can add for newsfeeds, games, and more, or you can add your own content with handy HTML modules. And because it's saved online, you can access your start page from any computer with Internet access. You can see what I've done with mine at^ and^.

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