But there is no doubt that friendship is good for the soul, even for those less socially-dependent like myself. I recently made the acquaintance of a fellow I'll call "Silent D" who is bright and funny and a pleasure to chat with.
Neither of us is good at small talk, which is fine, because we don't waste time with frivolity when there are so many interesting things to discuss.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I know exactly what you mean and I think I'm a lot like you.
I'm glad you are befriended by someone who sees the world as you do.
Those are the only people with whom even bother myself. Small talk is not worth the effort.
I am REALLY enjoying your Calvin and Hobbes moods:-) Its amazing how much emotion Bill Watterson managed to put into those little faces!!
Your first paragraph is an excellent definition of "introversion." Introverts are not SHY, contrary to what most people think, they are just drained by social interaction.
You're not alone. You're probably not even "lonely." A stimulating conversationalist is a wonderful find!
Thanks everyone for your comments.
I definitely am an introvert. I do have bouts of shyness, but they are always related to a specific event, typically when I want to approach some one I have admired.
I find that online expressions are "artificial extroversion," and blogging is popular with real-world introverts, since we can control where, when and how much interaction we have.
Thanks again - I am lucky to have readers like you!
I have enjoyed a lot of strips, but in the end "Calvin and Hobbes" is my favorite. :) I can relate to Calvin very much, although my friend was a ragdoll named "Girl" and not a stuffed tiger.
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