Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nontheistic Energy Work, Part Two: Foundation

Originally published in Rending the Veil Volume II Issue 4 (Midsummer 2008)

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This article is divided into two sections. The first covers the underlying principles that, when competently understood, will greatly facilitate the successful execution of any energy work. The second provides guidelines on basic skills that will be useful, if not necessary. Another article (or, perhaps, series) will follow with regard to specific techniques.

Section 1 – Underlying Principles: Psychology, Energy, Possibility (Actuality)

1A. Psychology

The field of psychology is far too broad to be covered herein; most of it doesn’t apply to any one individual anyway. However, understanding one’s own psychology is imperative, whether or not one chooses to practice energy work.

Typically, a person is a highly complex system of tangibles and intangibles. The tangible part, or aspect, is the physical body (which is itself a complex system); intangible, but integral to every person, are the elements of personality. These personality elements are themselves easily grouped into discrete aspects, most often numbered at three. In this article, these personality aspects are the Red (preconscious/High Self/superego/Godhead), Yellow (conscious/Middle Self/ego), and Blue (subconscious/Young Self/id) – hopefully new, non-subjective terms that will allow unbiased consideration and application.

The aspects of personality can operate in conflict; each can be considered to have its own feelings, intentions, desires, and fears. A key to success is acting in consensus with the majority. As an example of a path of conflict, it is common for the Yellow aspect (the “I” of a person) to recognize only itself and its wants, and attempt to ignore or discount the other aspects.

Many systems suggest that the Red aspect (the spiritual self) is the gatekeeper of energy work, and perhaps even success in general. Without the consent of the Red aspect, it seems little can be accomplished without intense struggle. Therefore, it is in one’s best interest to understand this aspect of oneself as fully as possible, and to accept for one’s life path what this aspect seeks for the whole. (In other words, one’s “calling” is voiced by the Red aspect, and the path of least resistance is the one it suggests.)

Finally, the Blue aspect cannot be discounted. While its demands might seem base and short-term, they are as legitimate as those of the other aspects, and as important to consider when one is planning any kind of route to successful effect.

It is in the best interest of any individual to explore the myriad philosophical avenues available to garner greater understanding of oneself, and to recognize the different needs and abilities of the aspects that create a whole person.

1B. Energy

One doesn’t have to believe in magic to accept that energy exists, and that it is available in many forms. The energy spectrum encompasses waveforms from both organic and inorganic sources, but, generally speaking, organic energy is easiest to manipulate and poses the least risk to the user.

Light is energy; sound is energy; movement is energy. Light and sound are translated by one’s receptors (eyes and ears) into biochemical signals that are interpreted by the brain and the less tangible aspects of personality.

There are other waveforms less readily identified by current technology; this part of the spectrum is the domain of the energy workers. These include healing energy, growth energy, chaos energy, and decay energy, among others.

It is important to identify the the appropriate energy for the desired result. It is also important to understand that individual experimentation is necessary to identify various energies, as one person’s perception can vary greatly from another’s, which can result in radically different descriptions of the same type of waveform.

1C. Possibility (Actuality)

Accepting that anything is possible is a vital element to successful energy work.

Generally speaking, we are conditioned to accept that consensus reality – what the majority of perspectives agree is “real” – is all there is, and this reality is limited by the ability to perceive, understand, label, and explain. It is, however, imperative to understand that while one might be limited in the ability to perceive or understand the universe, that limitation does not restrict the universe to what is perceptible or understandable.

Beyond the human constraints of consensus reality lies actuality. It is in actuality that all things become possible, although, as in reality, some things remain more probable than others.

The key to breaking the constraints of reality to successfully evoke the possibilities of the actual lies in selective manipulation of probability. In other words, just because anything is possible doesn’t make everything probable. To attempt to force extreme possibility is far more difficult and will require far more from the energy worker than to encourage or nudge probability. It is a good idea for the worker to begin with small probability shifts – such as manipulation of traffic patterns to allow an easy commute – to become accustomed to the methods, experience and effect of success.

Section 2 – Basic Skills: Perception, Visualization, Actuation

2A. Perception

As a species, our primary sense for perception is sight; however, an energy worker might find that one of the other five senses is more “in tune” with the available energies. Sound, scent, flavor, texture and impression (so-called “ESP” or intuition) are all viable avenues of information for the worker. Further, with practice, one might find that different types of energy are best received through different senses; as an example, one might identify healing energy by texture and growth energy by sound. Many individuals have a natural predisposition to favor a particular perceptive sense, but this does not render the other senses inoperative, nor should it be an excuse to the worker to neglect exercising those other senses or discounting what is perceived through them.

2B. Visualization

Success in any context is dependent upon the recognition of success. Without a clear definition of what one hopes to achieve, success will remain elusive and frustration will be the end result.

The practice of visualizing success forces concrete definition of one’s desires. By establishing an absolute definition of intended result, the likelihood of achieving and recognizing that result increases.

The process of visualization can vary from individual to individual; what remains the same is the end result of a concrete, unambiguous definition of success. It may be necessary to break down a general idea to the components one seeks, a series of steps with each goal bringing the worker closer to the ultimate desire.

2C. Actuation

Actuation is the final step in successful energy work. Once the definition of success has been agreed upon by the aspects of the individual and the appropriate energy type has been identified, it is time for the energy worker to combine energy with intention.

A common method of actuation is “sympathetic magic,” the use of tools, herbs, stones, etc. to help the worker define and focus energy and intent. This is a useful technique, but use should be limited, as this technique limits the worker. It is, basically, a crutch: while one cannot be faulted for using a crutch while one’s leg is broken, to continue to use it once the leg is healed is irresponsible and counterproductive to the advancement of one’s development.

The actuation of energy work will require repeated attempts by the worker, as is the case with any new skill or refinement of skill already acquired. Again, it is best to begin with small, simple goals to allow oneself to become familiar with the process, as well as the experience of success.

Success is addictive. Once the worker has achieved a goal, all aspects of personality will desire the achievement of another, and then another. Be selective with establishing such goals (be careful what you wish for), since each success makes the subsequent effort easier.

Preview: Nontheistic Energy Work Technique 1

Most of us have places to be, and must traverse public roadways to get there. A handy tool to facilitate these commutes is a technique we call “Super-Green.”

Super-Green encourages traffic patterns to be favorable to your transit: other vehicles will “magically” maintain drama-free, orderly procession; traffic signals will be green for you when you need them; your route, with practice, may even “fold” so that you can shave minutes off your commute time.

This technique is most effective when used with a locus, either physical or verbal, to reinforce the objective to the aspects of personality before the trip begins. Otherwise, Super-Green can remain in effect on a typically traveled route, but will begin to “stale” and become erratic and unpredictable if not refreshed.

Also, when using Super-Green, it is very important to recognize when the technique is “failing” for your own good, such as catching a red light just before an ambulance comes racing through on the cross street, or being forced to slow in traffic moments before you spot the officer at the speed trap.


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