Friday, August 22, 2008

Musings on Bloggings

I wonder if, somewhere, somehow I am doing something wrong. Since I started participating in the EC program, I've seen a lot of blogs ... I'm delighted to have found some of them: excellent content, witty and talented authors, appealing layouts.

But what really puzzles me are some of what I've taken to thinking of as the "Pink Mommy" blogs. (Not all of them are actually pink; it's more a flavor of the blog than a literal hue.)

They blog about they did this, that and the other with their brood (often 3+ kids). They went shopping, they did crafts, they visited, etc., etc., etc.

They are also active in various blogger groups and activities: card drops, blog commenting, message boards, and so on.

What I wonder is, when do these women sleep?

I have four kids and a part-time job. I have two dogs, and the Hubby has a cat; we have a house with a yard; I have extended family to keep in touch with, groceries to buy, unschooling to guide the kids through, my compulsion to write, and my own need to periodically learn new things.

And, oh, yeah, now and then I have to eat, clean myself, and sleep.

I have been attempting all week to find a schedule for myself that allows me to do all these things in a timely manner. And my conclusion is that it is impossible to achieve with only 24 hours in a day.

So apparently the Pink Mommies have found a way to sideslip time, wedging more hours into their days than the rest of us have access to. (The ugly alternative is that some of them are stretching the truth about their offline activities, and I am not one to cast such stones.)

So, if you are a Pink Mommy Blogger (henceforth herein PMB) that has happened across this post, consider this an invitation to initiate me in the arcane skill of time-wedging. I could use it. Thank you.



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